2.3.4 MTN-2463 Resolved some Audio Messaging issues.2.3.3 MTN-2530 Removed C-key enabling of Private/Open mode in SIP/Edge mode.2.3.2 MTN-2641 One way audio towards Clearcom SIP phones.2.3.1 MTN-2657 Firewall range for RTP is increased.2.2.10 MTN-2691 Line monitoring changes for ENA-2060.2.2.9 MTN-2684 Added basic support for SNMP v3.2.2.8 MTN-2623 IC-Edge/SIP support for MP114 speech start/stop event.2.2.7 MTN-2460 Common CA certificates are now bundled with station.

2.2.6 MTN-2298 Changed relay naming for IP-LCM.2.2.5 MTN-1978 It is now possible to call multiple cell phones in sequential ringlists.
2.2.4 MTN-1380 Software version included in SIP header.2.2.3 PHIX-293 Improved recovery handling for Exigo amplifiers in SIP mode (RTP timeout).2.2.2 PHIX-120 New default view for Edge and SIP mode.2.2.1 PHIX-119 Audio messages are now configurable via Edge Controller.2.1.3 PHIX-142 External communication - Suppport telephony calls in Edge Controller.